Meningitis B vaccination—round 2!
Did you receive a meningitis vaccine but don’t remember the type or date? If you got the first dose of Trumenba you can get your second dose at Matthew Knight Arena (MKA) this week (May 12–14) from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. And if you haven’t yet gotten vaccinated—you can also do so this week!
Your insurance will be billed directly and there will be no out-of-pocket costs to you during the clinic. Donated doses are available if you don’t have insurance coverage.
Head over to MKA with your student ID and insurance card, if you have one, and wear a short sleeve shirt. One of the most important things you can do to prevent the spread of meningitis is to receive the meningitis B vaccine series. We’re making it easy!
CDC Study
Also the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Oregon Health Authority have asked for our help in an important evaluation to assess the impact of the serogroup B meningococcal vaccines. Representatives from CDC and Oregon Health Authority were here in March and will be back on campus May 11–15, 2015 for a second round of their evaluation. They will be asking students to provide throat swabs to look for asymptomatic carriage of meningococcal bacteria. The CDC hopes to collect throat swabs from as many students as possible.
If you participated in the first round of the CDC’s swab evaluation in March, you can participate again this week!
Your participation in this evaluation is entirely voluntary, but this is an important evaluation so we encourage all students to participate. As a small token of appreciation, you will receive a $5 Amazon gift card for participating in the evaluation. Additional information about the evaluation can be found on our Health Center website.