About Party Registration
The Party Registration Program aims to reduce noise and community disturbances in neighborhoods close to the University of Oregon and gives hosts of social gatherings a chance to receive a warning call instead of immediate police intervention if a complaint has been received. Ultimately, the program is designed to reduce the need for additional police presence as a result of social gatherings and promote safe and responsible hosting.
In order to register a party, hosts must attend a Party Registration Orientation (usually held near the start of each term), and then register their party each week. Additional eligibility and timeline information is below.
Currently enrolled University of Oregon students who are 18 and older and live off campus are eligible to use the program. Only addresses in the west and south university neighborhoods are eligible. Parties hosted in residence halls, apartment complexes, or in public spaces such as streets or parks are not eligible for the program.
Parties must be registered each week, for the current week. Only parties held on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays after 8:00 p.m. can be registered. Parties cannot be registered during university-recognized break periods.
If you have questions about the Party Registration Program, please email partyreg@uoregon.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the Party Registration program work?
The purpose of the Party Registration program is to provide party hosts with an opportunity to receive a warning, providing a 20-minute window to voluntarily terminate a party after a noise complaint has been received. The information that registrants provide will be sent to the Eugene Police Department Dispatch prior to the party. If a noise complaint is called in regarding your party, dispatch will notify both you and your alternate of the complaint, and give you the 20-minute warning. If a second call is received, the University of Oregon Police Department will be responsible for responding.
Can a student organization, such as a club or fraternity, send a representative to orientation on behalf of the whole group?
Not at this time. Anyone wishing to use the program (be the registered host or co-host for the party location) must attend an orientation.
Are chapter houses eligible to register?
No. Only residential addresses, excluding apartments or public spaces, will be able to register at this time.
Do police officers get a list of registered parties? I’ve heard they specifically go to these addresses to shut them down.
No. The list of registered parties goes to the Eugene Police Department dispatch so if your neighbor calls in a complaint, dispatch will call you and/or your co-host with a warning. Police officers on duty do not have a list of registered parties.
Do registered parties get shut down at a certain time?
No. As long as the party is not loud or disruptive enough to cause you to get a warning call from dispatch or in-person visit from police, your party can continue. An in-person visit from police can result from anything that officers would notice while out on patrol, such as guests hanging out outside, trash, etc.
Does it cost money to register my party?
No. Party Registration is completely free.
Will hosts receive only one call before the clock starts? What if they don’t pick up?
When registering for the program, hosts will be informed that they are expected to keep their phones on them and are responsible for checking if they have been contacted. Regardless of whether or not a host picks up, the clock starts once a call has been made.
What if a registered party is cited for an open container or other officer-initiated violation? Are they still eligible to utilize the program?
Parties are only disqualified if a citation is given as the result of a phoned-in complaint. Officer-initiated citations for open containers, minor-in-possession, etc., without a complaint called in about a registered address will not be considered for disqualification.