Have a Safe Start to the Year—September 24, 2014

It happens way more than you would think – you’ve locked your bike outside your classroom and come back to find the cable lock cut and your bike long gone. So, to help avoid it happening to you, head over to the UO Police Department and pick up a solid ULock and get your bike registered (which is required for all bikes) so that if it does end up missing, there’s a chance of it being returned.

Bikes aren’t the only thing that need to be kept safe on campus–you, your roommate, your teammate, your friend–all need to be kept safe!

These first few weeks of the academic year are critical to ensuring that you set up systems for taking care of yourself and your friends. Have a code word so if your roomie wants to leave because somebody is creeping her out she can signal you to get her out of there. If you see somebody who’s had a bit too much to drink, don’t let them get in a car, or go upstairs with somebody they don’t know well.

If you’re interested in getting sexually involved with somebody, make sure that you’ve had a conversation and gotten explicit consent–if you need some help figuring out how to do that, check out the SexPositive app or ideas from the sexual violence prevention campaigns. If you’re in recovery and having a tough time, check out the Collegiate Recovery Center. And if you notice a friend is pretty depressed, say something, and refer them to the Univesity Counseling Center.

When you chose to be a Duck, you chose to be part of a community, our community. And in our community, we think it’s okay to take care of one another, in fact, we think that’s what it means to be a Duck. So, be safe–and help your friends be safe as well.
