8 Things to do Before Leaving For Break

1. Do your laundry

It may seem silly, but imagine how grateful you’ll be when you come back to fresh sheets.

2. Pay your bills, or schedule automatic payments

Plan ahead so that you aren’t thinking about money while you’re on vacation.

3. Clean out your fridge and take out the trash

If it smells bad now, imagine it a week from now…you're welcome neighbors.

4. Unplug all your electronics

Why pay for electricity when you could use that money for a new bathing suit?

5. Make sure your valuables aren’t visible through your windows

Hide them, or take them with you. Just make sure nobody else is tempted to take them.

6. Set your thermostat

Lower (or raise) the thermostat temperature so that you aren’t paying for heating (or air conditioning) while you’re away.

7. Park your car in a busy, well-lit area

This really does not need explaining.

8. Remove anything valuable from your car

Consider using a wheel locking device as well.

And finally, lock your doors, say goodbye to campus, and go do something that doesn’t involve scantrons or textbooks. Okay, technically that was 11 things but I care about you. See you next term!


By Bridget Davidson
